Random Outlaw

A blog about the randomness of life... and I am an outlaw.

Tuesday, March 8


Remember that FedEx commercial? The one where all the office workers are being all dramatic and saying stuff like "If we don't get this package to Phoenix today... we're DOOMED." Then another office worker would intone ominously "DOOMED." Well, that's how I feel about this trip. This trip, my friends, is DOOMED.

Some numbers for your perusal:

Hours left until flight: 43
Waking hours left until flight: 25
Non-working hours left until flight: 21.5
Things left to buy: 1000
Stores I need to visit: 6
Shopping hours left until flight: 20
Sick children: 1
Semi-sick adult: 1
Bags left to pack: 5
Hours of flight time: 15
Hours spent traveling: 24 (going, 20 coming back)
Hours spent having panic attacks about the above: 4

My in-laws should love me forever.


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